
‘Women’s Empowerment, Critical To African Economic Growth’




Women empowerment is critical to economic growth across African countries, especially, Sub-Saharan Africa, as economies that impose restrictions on women’s contributions fall short of their potential, says the managing director, Project Management Institute(PMI), George Asamani.

Inversely, he said, an economy reaches its peak dynamism when every citizen, regardless of gender, is empowered to contribute equally, saying the gender disparity in Nigeria continues to dim women’s prospects and deny them the opportunity to participate fully in the economy.

Quoting the World Bank’s Women, Business, and Law 2023 report, which surveys some 190 economies, he said, only 14 are gender equal while the remaining countries still have room to improve and, at the pace of current reforms, will need some 50 years to catch up.


“Simply put, a 20-year-old entering the workforce today will retire before she can enjoy gender-equal rights. This means that their talents, ideas, and abilities will remain underutilised,” he noted.

The report, he added, shows economies in Sub-Saharan Africa led the way in 2022, enacting more than half of the reforms recorded, saying, many of these addressed laws affecting women’s pay and careers after having children—the areas with the most room to improve. Yet, this progress barely scratches the surface of what’s truly required, he stressed.

He equally quoted the International Labour Organisation(ILO) United Nations(UN) that show that women are at disadvantage, adding that, this gender gap in employment is even starker in project management, where male project managers outnumber female project managers by 3:1, according to recent research from the Project Management Institute.

“Interestingly, women’s lives in Africa are often complex projects, requiring them to manage and balance multiple responsibilities, roles, and expectations. The essence of project management, planning, executing, monitoring, and closing projects is remarkably analogous to the daily tasks women perform.

“Therefore, there is merit in formalising these innate capabilities into project management skills to enhance their efficiency, effectiveness, and resilience. Skills such as risk management, stakeholder communication, and resource allocation are directly translatable to managing finances, negotiating workplace dynamics, and advocating for social change,” he pointed out.



In a sector marked by a talent shortage, he said, the statistics point to the underutilisation of skills women bring to the Project Economy and the loss of diversity in a male-dominated environment, even as Project management skills equip women with a versatile toolkit highly valued across industries as this versatility opens doors to better employment opportunities, fostering economic independence and security.


To him, “Moreover, these skills are crucial for entrepreneurship — a path many women pursue in Africa.  Investing in skilling women is not just an act of empowerment; it’s a strategic necessity for the continent.



“Skilling women catalyses a multiplier effect that benefits everyone. Educated and skilled women are more likely to invest in their families and communities, improving health, education, and economic outcomes. They can challenge and change discriminatory practices and policies, paving the way for more inclusion.”


Saying the journey of mastering project management skills is also one of personal growth, he added that this encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and adaptability, qualities that are invaluable in both personal and professional contexts.


In the current era, where the call to action could not be more direct, the spotlight turns not just on women’s economic and social empowerment but also on how instrumental skills, such as project management, can accelerate progress even as governments and organisations must prioritise the development of these competencies to not only achieve gender equality but to harness 100 per cent of the potential of 50 per cent of the world’s population, he pointed out.


Source link: Leadership


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