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Kenyans react to President Ruto’s state visit to the US



The United States of America under President Joe Biden pulled out a show-stopping reception of Kenya’s President William Ruto when he visited the North American country on a state visit days ago.

The reception involved a joint press conference, new business deals signed between both countries and an elaborate dinner that witnessed a performance by American country music artists.

Back home Kenyans are reacting with mixed feelings over the US state visit and what it holds for Kenya.

According to Standard Media, President Ruto’s high-flying brinksmanship and diplomatic clout in global circles as seen in the US state visit is a sharp diversion from how he is perceived at home.


His critics in Kenya have cited his spending habits and his involvement in the Haiti debacle as not being consistent with his image on the global scene. Despite the criticisms, some Kenyans applaud the move by President Ruto calling it a foreign policy masterstroke and good for Kenya’s status.

The State House Visit 

President Ruto arrived in the United States on May 20 for a four-day state visit accompanied by his wife and three daughters. Ruto arrived in Washington DC on May 23 to meet the United States President and other top US diplomats as the highlight of his state visit.

The Statehouse visit was highlighted by a joint press conference where new partnership deals were announced. President Biden also declared a “new era of technological cooperation” between the U.S. and Kenya to promote cybersecurity infrastructure and semiconductor manufacturing among other initiatives.

Another Highlight of the state visit was the very elaborate red carpet and state dinner put together by the United States First Lady Jill Biden and her staff.

The dinner featured a host of A list American politicians including Former President Bill Clinton, Former President Barack Obama who made a brief appearance, and Former US presidential candidate Hilary Clinton.


The Kenyan hosts were treated to top-class American cuisine and President Ruto being a lover of country music was entertained by Country music artist Brad Paisley.

Kenyan Reactions 

Kenyan reaction to the US state visit by their president has been that of mixed feelings. The Kenyan audience seems divided on what the state visit implies for Kenya and how they can benefit from it.

Larry Madowo

Larry Madowo, CNN journalist and broadcaster who is also a Kenyan citizen on twitter commented on Ruto being interviewed by CNN’s Richard Quest where he was questioned on Kenya’s preference for Chinese or Western investment following the state visit.

“Does President William Ruto Prefer Investments from China or the Us?  We are neither facing west or east, we are facing foward“ Ruto Replied


The African Review

The African Review a budding online publication commented on Twitter on the complexities of the US deepening ties with Kenya when the latter is heavily indebted to China

“Ruto must be careful, Despite the US deal, Kenya is still $6 billion dollars in debt to China” The African review said.

A section of the Kenyan audience criticized the extravagant spending of the Kenyan government in the run-up to the state visit. Ruto hired a Boeing Business Jet from an Emirati company for $1.5 Million.


Some took to twitter to air their opinions on the expensive jet hired by the president.


“Ruto is the first African President on a US state visit, thats not even the issue when you think he hired a 1.5 million dollars (KSH 200 million) private jet. We are definitely in trouble as a country for sure “Cosmo wrote on X.

Other Kenyans applauded the state visit as a foreign policy win for Kenya citing the various deals that were closed by President William Ruto. The Kenyan President signed new deals in the areas of green energy, security, education, and governance.

Honourable Dr Rachel Nyamai, a Kenyan parliament member who commented on Twitter, hailed the US state visit as a historic moment for Kenya.


Dr Rachel Nyamai

“President William Samoei Ruto visit to the US is historic for Kenya. Designation as a major non- Nato ally is a milestone. Congratulations @WilliamsRuto for exemplary representation. Thanks to President Biden and the american people for their hospitality“. She wrote on X

Nigerian Perspective 

Nigerians reacting to the news of President Ruto’s state visit to the US also cited various foreign investments going to other African countries.

Some of the foreign investments include a $1bn data center by Microsoft and a UAE-owned AI firm in Kenya, A $6 billion oil investment in Angola which happened after Nigeria was bypassed, and a $70 million investment by Microsoft in South Africa’s SMEs.

Nigerians are wondering why nothing is happening on the Homefront and why the Tinubu-led administration is struggling to attract foreign investments.  


What to Know 

  • The United States during the Kenyan state visit designated Kenya as its major non-Nato Ally making Kenya the first country in Sub-Saharan Africa to enter a military alliance with the United States.
  • President Ruto is the first African leader to make a state visit to the white house in 16 years after Ghana’s John Kufuor visited in 2008.

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