We’ll Block All Loan Apps Harassing Customers



Naija News reports that the commission’s acting chairman, Adamu Abdullahi, in an interview with BBC, stated that many Nigerians have complained about the harassment they are subjected to by these loan apps.

Abdullahi said the agency, in collaboration with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), has begun the process of blocking the loan apps and would soon be history in Nigeria.


He said, “It would soon be history in the country that online platforms that many people know as loan sharks, where some Nigerians access money quickly to solve urgent issues.

“However, if they don’t pay back on time, some of these loan companies send unpleasant messages with their picture to all their contacts.

“This harassment has caused many problems in Nigeria, as some people even lose their jobs because of embarrassment and disgrace.

“We do not agree with that kind of practice because customers are being harassed, even though it’s not directly our problem.

“We have involved CBN, NITDA, EFCC, and the Human Rights Commission to form a committee to address the issue.


“Since we found out that they operate online and have no physical offices or managing directors, we approached Google and Apple stores to take down all their Apps. We also coordinated with the CBN to block all their accounts.”

Source link: Naija News/


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