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The three plagues of governance (4), By Sunday Adelaja.

1 week ago 6

Much of our world’s troubles and woes are as a result of the plague of apathy. Apathy is not only plaguing our governance; it has come down to the masses. It is now a plague to the society at large. Our societies are fast losing enthusiasm. We seem to have lost the sense of what matters and what is important. The lack of interest in how things are done and what is right is fast taking over the fabric of our society.

In my previous articles, I examined the first two plagues that are the bane of governance in any era. In the first, we examined cynicism as a factor that leads to the collapse and disintegration of governments, parties and even nations. And, in the second, we examined another factor that plagues governments and governance in general. This is disillusionment.

Today, we are going to continue examining reasons why nations and politicians fail, and governments collapse. This article is especially necessary for the upcoming democracy in our world.

I know the importance of this topic, being from Africa, and Nigeria specifically. I, more than others, know what effect failed governments and ideals can have on whole generations of aspiring young men and women. This article, therefore, is one of my modest contributions to the stability and sustainability of governance in all nations of the earth, but especially in African countries.

The third plague of governance is APATHY. This is going to be the last part of this three-part article. I hope it would be of help to all the countries of the world that wish to stabilise their nations and lead their people to prosperity. Here we go!

Apathy is the lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern. It’s a state of indifference, or the suppression of emotions such as concern, excitement, motivation and passion. An apathetic individual has the absence of interest or concern for emotional, social, or physical life.

As seen in the definition above, apathy is first of all the lack of interest, concern, excitement, motivation, passion and emotions. It is a state of indifference that makes an individual to close his eyes to the things she is supposed to respond to. Our world today is fast falling under the crunching plague of apathy.

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Apathy is taking over our society by storm. Our children are losing interest in education. The youth seem to have lost their sense of direction due to apathy. Marriages are falling apart largely because of apathy. In most countries of the world, a large percentage of the population don’t participate in the political process. The reason can only be traced to one factor – APATHY.

It is this attitude, perverting the nations of the world, that has led to the deterioration of societal problems that could have been dealt with much earlier. For example, in many countries of the world, the problem of obesity is fast becoming a national security issue. The lack of interest, lack of enthusiasm, lack of concern, is now being manifested in excess weight in the bodies of the populace, both adults and youths.

“Apathy and evil. The two work hand in hand. They are the same, really…. Evil wills it. Apathy allows it. Evil hates the innocent and the defenseless most of all. Apathy doesn’t care as long as it’s not personally inconvenienced.” – Jake Thoene.

Altruism is fast becoming a thing of the past. Selfless sacrifice is now seen only as a religious duty. Magnanimity is as rare to come across as trying to find snow in Africa. Nobility is all but left into history.

“The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them: that’s the essence of inhumanity.” – George Bernard Shaw

Much of our world’s troubles and woes are as a result of the plague of apathy. Apathy is not only plaguing our governance; it has come down to the masses. It is now a plague to the society at large. Our societies are fast losing enthusiasm. We seem to have lost the sense of what matters and what is important. The lack of interest in how things are done and what is right is fast taking over the fabric of our society.

“Apathy goes to the root of our moral and spiritual crisis today…. Apathy is the loss of ability to feel indignant at the work of evil in our lives and in the lives of others. It is the absence of outrage against injustice. It is the erosion of ability to commit oneself to important causes, to care deeply about other people, and to take risks in the struggle against every form of human bondage.” – Daniel Migliore

It is this attitude, perverting the nations of the world, that has led to the deterioration of societal problems that could have been dealt with much earlier. For example, in many countries of the world, the problem of obesity is fast becoming a national security issue. The lack of interest, lack of enthusiasm, lack of concern, is now being manifested in excess weight in the bodies of the populace, both adults and youths.

In many countries of the world, apathy in the political process has allowed wrong political parties to take over the government in many nations. The reason is because when only 40 per cent of eligible voters participate in an election and in some countries, it could be as low as 20 per cent, and whoever takes more than 50 per cent majority forms the government. Even though that might not have been the best candidate the country could produce.

When people lose enthusiasm for life, zeal and interest in what is right, they resort to just watching television and surfing the internet, which results in adding of weight, excess calories and obesity.

“Wherever there is degeneration and apathy, there also is sexual perversion, cold depravity, miscarriage, premature old age, grumbling youth, there is a decline in the arts, indifference to science, and injustice in all its forms.” – Anton Chekhov.

“So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth.” – Revelation 3:16

Another global problem that is been caused by lack of interest, enthusiasm or concern is the problem of ecology. Pollution of the air and environment has become a threat to the very existence of humans on earth. Business owners, governments and multinational companies that were supposed to have dealt a fatal blow to the problem of ecology from its very infancy, failed to do so due to apathy. It is apathy that has enabled the situation to deteriorate to the point where it has now become a global problem.

In many countries of the world, apathy in the political process has allowed wrong political parties to take over the government in many nations. The reason is because when only 40 per cent of eligible voters participate in an election and in some countries, it could be as low as 20 per cent, and whoever takes more than 50 per cent majority forms the government. Even though that might not have been the best candidate the country could produce. But because majority of the voters in the land would not go to vote because of apathy, oppressive governments are given birth to. Democratic processes are ridiculed. Elections are rendered ineffective in producing the best leaders of nations. APATHY DESTROYS EVERYTHING.

“Elections belong to the people. It’s their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.” ― Abraham Lincoln

Sunday Adelaja is a Nigerian born leader, transformation strategist, pastor and innovator. He was based in Ukraine.

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