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Simple Solution To Wound, Body Healing – Pitanga ‘ Eugenia Uniflora

4 hours ago 17

Few months ago, I dashed out to do a bit of needful shopping. Alighting from the vehicle, I saw a vendor I sometimes patronized – her eyes were brimming with tears. Her little daughter – about 4 years old had picked a razor blade while her mother was busy and had cut her little fingers. Blood was gushing out – so the mother – the vendor, was trying to remedy the situation by pouring water on the wounds – but the two fingers were still bleeding.

Someone suggested getting kerosene to pour on the little girl’s wounds to stop the blood – all sorts of suggestions were flying from bystanders.

Taking the girl to a nearby clinic or hospital would have been good but you do realize that part of the reason for the young mother’s tears was the fact that the money she earned daily from her roadside micro-business wouldn’t be enough for such expenses.

As I watched with concern, my heart also ached over the pains the little girl was feeling. But silver or gold for such expenses I had not but such as I had, I gave – I remembered that I had in my bag a little bottle of an organic body lotion made from agricultural raw materials which I make and use as my regular body lotion. It has helped a whole lot in curbing the skin allergies and accompanying discomfort I used to experience.

I would have commercialized this vital lotion but when I applied for grant funding to get the equipment needed and buy the agricultural materials in bulk, I did not get the funding. So I just make small quantities at a time – the materials consist of spices, organic calcium source mixed with at least one natural oil – coconut or olive or sunflower.

I have also started infusing with Piranga leaves which has antipyretic effects. This combo heals wounds fast – no matter how deep the wound, just keep applying consistently and it will definitely heal. It also reduces the pains considerably.

Since all the ingredients are edible, this organic lotion can be ingested. Sometimes when I am feeling some body discomforts (the causes I usually know from casting my mind back),I would take one or two drops of the lotion or put in my nostrils. Relieve would come in few minutes.
So I gave the tearful mother to apply on her daughter’s bleeding wounds and poured some into a container for her to keep applying and left.
Some days later when the mother saw me passing by, she called me and said the lorion or ointment healed her child’s wound.
The Ingredient in this lotion that currently excites me the most is the Pitanga – Eugenia uniflora. This plant initially sprouted on its own in my mini- garden. I didn’t know its uses then but just noticed it has a nice scent.
Since the lotion is not yet commercialized I just cut a stalk of the plant and put the leaves in the container of my organic lotion – my intention was just to give my body lotion a natural nice scent not knowing it would further develop the lotion into a healing lotion – I noticed then that the lotion started healing wounds even faster.
So I decided to do a study on Pitanga plant – Eugenia uniflora
Here are some of the findings –
The genus Eugenia is used in popular medicine to treat wounds, flu, fever, cough, gout, hypertension, digestive, and hepatic diseases, rheumatism, amigdalitis, sore throat, hemorrhoids, and diarrhea (Arai et al., 1999; de Araújo et al., 2019).

Uses of pitanga leaves, bark and stalk
The infused leaves have diuretic, digestive and anti-diarrheal properties; a decoct made from the bark is used as a gargle for sore throats and as a remedy for other throat ailments.
So I now cut the stalk and use in cleaning my teeth and gums – it relieves toothache.
I still brush with toothpaste.
Some of the natural substances in Pitanga include

– Anthraquinones
Can have antibacterial, antiparasitic, insecticidal, fungicidal, and antiviral properties. They can also be used as anticancer agents. Anthraquinones can also exhibit laxative, diuretic, estrogenic, and immunomodulatory effects.

– Tannins
Can be natural substances with high antioxidant power. Recent scientific research has shown that tannins can contrast the activity of bacteria.
But until more research, when ingesting, use with discretion.

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