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Revitalise your organisation : Inspire sustainable growth in a recovering economy



In an era of unprecedented volatility, senior executives grapple with myriad of challenges that necessitate innovative strategies and resilient leadership.

The TEXEM programme in Lagos, scheduled for July 17-18, 2024, presents a transformative opportunity to invigorate your organisation and foster sustainable growth in a recovering economy.

According to TEXEM UK, the programme is a strategic, compelling and actionable decision for forward-thinking leaders.

It noted that in today’s interconnected and unpredictable world, resilience extends far beyond mere operational continuity during crises. True resilience embodies a company’s capacity to absorb stress, recover critical functionality, and thrive in new circumstances.


This holistic view of resilience as a strategic advantage enables companies to capitalise on opportunities when competitors are least prepared.

The TEXEM programme underscores the importance of embedding resilience into all organisational functions, from finance to IT, to customer service. Participants will learn to build robust systems that not only mitigate risks but also leverage crises for competitive advantage. Through case studies and role-playing exercises, executives will acquire practical tools to operationalise resilience and drive long-term performance.

It stated that while resilience is essential, regeneration propels business strategy further. Regeneration entails making bold, proactive moves that reconnect companies with their strategic foundations. This approach transcends mere survival, fostering long-term value and enduring competitive advantage.

The TEXEM programme will guide participants in adopting a regenerative mindset, focusing on the ability to inspire others to bridge the gap between strategies and operations, internal and external stakeholders, and technology and data. Executives will explore how to develop business models that generate greater long-term value, support a culture of continuous learning and development, and leverage technology to unlock new opportunities. This programme will equip leaders with the skills to drive sustainable growth and adaptability in an ever-changing world.

The future of work, characterised by rapid technological advancements, geopolitical shifts and evolving consumer demands, requires adaptable leadership. Leaders must leverage emerging technologies and navigate complex stakeholder landscapes with a “learn-it-all” mindset.


The TEXEM programme will delve into the Learning Executives Framework, helping participants develop a vision, deliver values and master the art of persuasion.

By fostering an environment that encourages innovation and flexibility, executives will be better prepared to win in turbulent times. The programme’s methodology, including group discussions, self-reflection and peer-to-peer learning, will enhance participants’ ability to lead through uncertainty and drive their organisations toward future success.

Designed to provide actionable insights and practical skills, TEXEM’s forthcoming programme equips senior executives with strategies to immediately apply within their organisations.

Key topics include: ‘Cultivating a Change-Ready Culture by Leading Transformational Change and Fostering an Adaptive Organisational Culture.

The training will also include – Digital dominance: Leveraging digital technologies to drive success and stay ahead of the competition; navigating economic complexity by  developing strategies to thrive in a recovering economy, balancing short-term challenges with long-term goals, and purposeful leadership, which involves catalysing growth through values-driven leadership and harmonizing organisational objectives.


TEXEM said by participating in this programme, executives would enhance their strategic thinking and problem-solving capabilities. The immersive learning experience, guided by Professor Paul Griffith and other distinguished faculty, will challenge assumptions and stimulate innovative thinking. Interactive activities such as case studies, assessments and role-playing will deepen understanding and enable the application of new concepts in real-world scenarios.

The ultimate goal of the TEXEM programme is to equip leaders with the knowledge and skills to inspire sustainable growth and long-term prosperity. By fostering adaptability, amplifying purpose and balancing short-term efficiency with long-term resilience, participants will drive their organisations towards enduring success.

Testimonials from the participants in TEXEM’s previous programmes lauded the rich and thought-provoking content of the programmes.

Muhammed El Amin Gwadabe, the president of the Association of Bureau de Change Operators of Nigerian (ABCON) said: ‘I’ve learned a lot. I’ve seen where tradition is being converted to modernity. I have learned how to keep sustainability. I have learned teamwork. I have learned different strategy tools from Marshmallow, OODA, observation of my opponents, orienting my business, making decisions and acting fast. I have also learned the importance of balancing culture with my organisational objective.”

Another particicipant, Effiong Okon, operations director, Seplat said: “It is the first time I am doing a local programme in Nigeria and it is quite interesting. The first thing I like about it is the diversity of the participants. I also like the edgy conversations we had with Christian and Alim. It is quite thought-provoking.”


It further stated that in a world where disruption is constant, attending the TEXEM programme in Lagos is a strategic investment in participant leadership development and  organisation’s future.

It added that by embracing resilience, focusing on regeneration and preparing for an uncertain future with adaptable leadership, senior executives would be well equipped to navigate challenges and seize opportunities. Don’t miss this opportunity to revitalise your organisation and inspire sustainable growth.

Sundry Foods opens third Kilimanjaro Restaurant in Kaduna

Sundry Foods Limited (SFL), a leading fast food brand in Nigeria, has opened a new Kilimanjaro Restaurant in Kaduna – the third in 9 months in the former capital of Northern region.

The doors of Kilimanjaro, Nigeria’s fastest growing quick restaurant brand opened to the public on June 19, 2024 in line with SFL’s effort to expand its presence nationwide.


“We are humbled by the warm reception by our customers in Kaduna, and more optimistic than ever about the future of our brand in the country.

“At SFL, the utmost importance is placed on the safety of customers, and as such, the new restaurant is following the strictest health and safety protocols in preparing, handling and serving of meals,’ the managing director/chief executive officer of the company,” Mr. Ebele Enunwa, noted in a statement.

The new outlet, located on Ahmadu Bello Way in the Doka area of Kaduna, the statement added, is a unique and a stand-alone Kilimanjaro restaurant with a wonderful ambience designed to create all-round atmosphere for memorable dining experience.

Enunwa stated that SFL remained committed to providing its numerous customers and lovers of food across the country with a world class dining experience, even as he noted that the new restaurant would have all SFL’s brands on offer.

The SFL boss stated that the expansion effort came as a deliberate policy of the company aimed at enhancing customer experience, expressing delight that the expansion programme has significantly achieved its target of ensuring Kilimanjaro’s presence is established in major cities and strategic locations in the six geo-political zones of the country.


He assured that the expansion drive would deliver the company’s trademark, excellent food and related services to Nigerians all over the country, adding that the expansion programme is a continuous one.

“By making strategic and highly targeted investments to drive value for partners, SFL will also drive value for customers and shareholders, while managing costs, improving margins and elevating the company’s experience for all stakeholders.’’

Prior to the latest addition, Kilimanjaro had opened at the popular Galaxy Mall, 22, Mohammadu Buhari Way (Waff Road), off Independence Road, Kaduna, as well as Uptown Mall, along Zaire Road, Barnawa Complex in Kaduna State.

Ziingo offers more reward to Nigerian shoppers

Shoppers who patronise Nigeria’s fastest growing online shopping system,, are in for an exceptional reward this season as the company spokesperson, Eno Unukpo, hinted that millions of naira would be involved in this reward system.


According to Unukpo, the company has spread far beyond its expectation, with shoppers commending ziingo’s timely and well packed deliveries.

She says that ‘at, ‘we help you deliver your shopping across Nigeria and you pay on delivery. We handle your online shopping needs for food, groceries and indeed general goods and products with care.

Unukpo noted that ziingo had always rewarded patronage but opted to increase this reward as a thank-you gesture for increased patronage in the past one year

Ziingo Nigeria has in the past few years earned commendation as a top online shopping place bringing buyers and sellers of general goods, food and groceries together.

‘Shoppers in top  Nigerian cities of Abuja, Lagos and Port Harcourt have already started confirming receipt of surprise packages of gifts, food and groceries and we are indeed very happy to serve.


‘We arranged the reward system in a way that patrons get gifts, depending on their major shopping; be it food, groceries or general goods,’ she added.

Source link: Daily Trust/

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