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Northern leaders to Tinubu: Don’t allow US, France to site military bases in Nigeria



Some northern leaders have cautioned against allowing the US
and French governments to relocate their military bases from the Sahel to


In a letter addressed to President Bola Tinubu and the
national assembly on Friday, the northern leaders said accepting such a
proposal would pose dangers for the country.



Signatories to the letter include Abubakar Mohammed of the
Centre for Democratic Development, Research and Training (CEDDERT); Kabiru
Chafe, former minister of state for petroleum resources, from the Arewa
Research and Development Project (ARDP); Attahiru Jega, former chairman,
Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC); Jibrin Ibrahim of the Centre
for Democracy and Development (CDD); Auwal Musa (Rafsanjani) of the Civil
Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CCISLAC); and YZ Ya’u of the Centre for
Information Technology and Development (CITAD).




Relations between Niger Republic and France became strained
after the military coup in the Sahel country.


France had condemned the coup that ousted President Mohamed
Bazoum and demanded that constitutional order be returned.



After seizing power, the junta made France’s military exit
one of its key demands, a move which neighbouring Burkina Faso and Mali, both
also former French colonies, made after successful coups.



France, a key security ally with the West African nation,
had more than 1,500 troops stationed in Niger to help fight jihadist groups
linked to al-Qaeda and Islamic State and to prevent further spread of terrorism
across the Sahel.


Capitalising on the anti-Western sentiments in the Sahel,
Russia began to make fresh inroads into the continent.



After expelling French forces helping in the fight against
terrorism, Niger’s military government agreed in January to step up military
cooperation with Russia.


In March, the Nigerien junta revoked an accord with the US
government which allowed American troops to operate on two of its bases.



Around 1,000 US military personnel were said to be based in



The US also reportedly agreed to close down its $100m
military drone base near Agadez, which was built six years ago and played a key
role in the US/France strategy to combat jihadists in West Africa.


The Russian alliance was solidified when military
instructors from the country arrived in Niger with the latest equipment and
instructors to train the West African nation’s army.




According to the letter addressed to Tinubu, the northern
leaders said the US and French governments have allegedly been lobbying
Nigeria, and other countries in the region, to sign new defence pacts allowing
them to redeploy their expelled troops.



Citing data from the Pentagon, the letter said the
operations of the Western forces to uproot terrorists from the Sahel region
have so far been “quite unimpressive, if not a complete failure”.


 “This is for the
simple reason that terrorism, far from abating, has in fact risen dramatically
since the US began its operations in the region,” the letter said.



The leaders also expressed concerns about the economic and
environmental impacts of hosting foreign military bases.


 “Economically, the
presence of these bases could potentially divert government funds and resources
away from critical areas such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure
development toward maintaining and securing these military installations. This
redirection of resources could stunt economic growth and exacerbate poverty in
a country where much of the population already lives under challenging
conditions,” they said.



“Moreover, hosting foreign troops often leads to increased
prices and living costs in local areas, disproportionately affecting the
lower-income population.



 “Environmentally, the
construction and operation of military bases can lead to significant
degradation of the local environment. This includes deforestation, soil
erosion, water contamination, and loss of biodiversity, which are detrimental
to agricultural communities and indigenous populations. The long-term
environmental damage could further hinder economic opportunities and
sustainable development.”


The letter added that the presence of foreign military bases
in Nigeria would worsen already strained relations between Nigeria and
neighbouring French countries.



The leaders urged the government to consider the broader
implications of such agreements and to prioritise Nigeria’s long-term peace and
security over short-term strategic alignments.

Source link: Nigerianeye


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