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Lady shares how her eyelids began to swell after using eyelash extensions

4 weeks ago 39
Lady shares how eyelids began to swell after using eyelash extensions

Lady recounts what happend to her eyelids after she installed eyelash extensions for the first time.

In a video that lady shared, she explained that she had visited a salon where she had the eyelash extensions installed.

Lady shares how eyelids began to swell after using eyelash extensionsLady.

Surprisingly for her, her eyelids began to swell and she thought it was normal and would go down soon.

However, the swelling continued to the point it began to hurt.

At this point, she had to call the lash tech to inform her about her condition, whereupon they rushed to the hospital together.

The lady stated that all the while the lash technician kept claiming it was an allergic reaction since such hasn’t happened before.

However, the doctor who immediately cleaned her eyes noted that super glue was used on her eyes which caused the inflammation and burns.

Lady shares how eyelids began to swell after using eyelash extensions

She later confronted the lash technician who confessed that she ran out of lash glue and decided to use super glue.

The lady said in part …

“The lash tech was so nervous. When I left there i confronted her and demanded the truth. She confessed that she used a tiny drop [of super glue] because she had run out of lash glue.”

Check out video below …

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