
Kaduna Village Head Shot Dead In Fresh Gunmen Attack



The village head of Marke in Dandamisa Ward, Makarfi Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Malam Kabiru Mohammed, has been tragically killed by unidentified gunmen.

It was gathered that the assailants forcefully entered the victim’s residence in the early hours of Thursday, evacuating everyone from the compound.

Their primary objective was to locate Malam Kabiru, who was hiding in the ceiling alongside his elder brother, Tukur Mohammed.


Despite their efforts to remain concealed, the gunmen eventually discovered Malam Kabiru and mercilessly ended his life before setting the house on fire.

Regrettably, due to the extensive damage caused by the fire, the body of the late village head could not be recovered. This incident has left the community in shock and mourning, Naija News understands.

Confirming the incident, the councillor of Dandamisa Ward, Alhaji Aminu Sani Marke, told journalists that the body of the late village head could not be recovered as the house was burnt down.

“The gunmen spent about one hour operating in the village and went away with valuables worth millions of naira,” he reportedly told Daily Trust.

It was learned that the late Kabiru Muhammad, age 30 years, was turbaned as the village head of Marke in 2018.


Source link: Naija News/


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