It is absolutely visionary and timely to put in place the state of art infrastructure with aesthetic design like that in the Damaturu, the Yobe state capital, we need it and it is very essential for the development of the state. However, there are serious concerns and anomalies in financing and accountability of the project within 12 months.
The total approved capital expenditure for the Ministry of Works for 2025 is N26.04 billion and only N21.03 billion lump sum earmarked for the construction of roads and bridges across the state. That means even if Yobe state government decided to cancel financing for all construction of roads and bridges across the states in 2025 it is not enough to finance the project, there is a deficit of N1.27 billion. We are in the second month of the first quarter, are you saying you haven’t planned adequately or what? Are you abandoning other construction of roads and bridges? Are you amending the finance bill in the first quarter of the year?
Additionally, putting N 22.3 billion in the context of the 2025 Yobe state budget, it represents 12% of the projected 12 months FAAC allocation which is projected at N186 billion for 2025, more than the entire projected internal generated revenue for the state for 2025 which is projected at N14.5 billion for the year, N22.3 billion represents 155% of the projected IGR. Don’t forget that Yobe state’s net FAAC allocation for 2024 was around N106 (January – N8.22 billion, February – N7.9 billion, March – N7.5 billion, April – N9.96 billion, May N8.19 billion, June N7.87 billion, July N9.47 billion, August – N9.53 billion, September – N8.36 billion October – N9.05 billion, November N10.01 billion and December – slightly lower November) the above FAAC projection for 2025 may not be achieved considering current the naira exchange rate appreciation.
Furthermore, Yobe state government approved a total of N57.41billion for the capital expenditure to the infrastructure sector in the 2025 budget, N22.3 represents 40% of the entire sector capital expenditure, do Yobe state government actually plan for the construction of the state of art flyover and underpass during 2025 budget process. Public financial management is not a running a business or personal fund there are processes and procedures. Why are we spending 40% of sector capital budget for a single project.
On the other hand, what does the N22.3 billion project mean for the other sectors like health and education in the 2025 fiscal year. N30 billion earmarked for the capital projects to the health which made Yobe state among the highest per capita health spenders in Nigeria. N24.97 billion also earmarked for the capital projects for the education sector in 2025 which are both higher than the fund earmarked for project. I believe it is fair allocation for two sectors with a proper accountability mechanism in place.
In conclusion, the Yobe state government needs to address how it is planned to finance the project within 12 calendar months out of budget project, virement is not enough to transfer such funds from other sectors to infrastructure, it requires amendment of financial bill and must follow all the stages of amendment of law. Out of budget expenditure to some extent is subject to impeachment
N:B we can’t wait until the town is congested to put such infrastructure in place. We are all amazed with the structure like that in other places and advanced countries. However, process and procedure must to followed to deliver such projects.