Here are the nominees for the T3 Awards 2024



It’s been another exciting year in tech, bookmarked as usual by a season of award-giving. Not only do we have the TechRadar Choice Awards (and the new TechRadar Sustainability Awards) to look forward to, but our sister site T3 will be showcasing the very best of tech, home, and active products from the past 12 months with the annual T3 Awards 2024 in association with Norton.

The winners from across 83 categories won’t be revealed until June, but you can get a sneak peek of the competition now on T3’s website. Categories vary from headline awards for Brand Of The Year and Product Of The Year to specific product-based categories including Best Laptop, Best OLED TV, and Best Headphones.

Each nominee will have had to score top marks in T3’s reviews and buying guides, having been thoroughly tested by T3’s team of experts. Nominations have been submitted either by the general public, manufacturers and PRs, or by the T3 team – what a brilliant team it is. 

Plus, through T3’s collaboration with Wallpaper*, products that have driven innovation in design across T3’s main pillars of Technology, Home, and Active are in with the chance to win a prestigious Design award.

Please note that due to product release schedules and a rush of last-minute nominations, some of the shortlists below are still works in progress, with more nominees to follow (though none will be removed) as we test additional products, so you can expect to see a few devices added to the lists between now and the final judging.


Make sure to check in throughout the week commencing Monday 3 June to find out the T3 Awards 2024 winners, or grab issue 361 of T3 magazine when it goes on sale on Thursday 6 June. 

There’s also still time to have your say by voting in the T3 Readers’ Choice Award, which is open for entries until 11:59 pm on Friday 10 May 2024, with the winners announced alongside the headline awards.  

Huge congratulations to all of the nominated brands and products! 

Watch out for the full launch of the TechRadar Sustainability Awards in May, and don’t forgot to express your interest in submitting a nomination by filling in this form.


Source link: TechRadar


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