
Former Enugu Lawmakers Salute Mbah At 52



Former lawmakers of Enugu State House of Assembly have joined numerous admirers both at home and in the diaspora to felicitate governor of Enugu State, Peter Ndubuisi Mbah, on his 52nd birthday.

A statement by the chairman of the forum, Alex Ogbonnia, said the trajectory of Governor Mbah is a veritable testament to the virtues of hard work, audaciousness, tenacity, intellect, resilience and the unique capacity endowed by God to overcome challenges or physical and spiritual barriers imposed by the circumstances of our environments.

He stated that the former lawmakers were delighted with the innovative policies and programmes that define the incumbent government of Enugu State.

“We are delighted with the conspicuous massive road rehabilitations and other infrastructural developments in the state. 


We are delighted that many international investors are being attracted to the exemplary governance model in the state.

“It is our wish that this year’s birthday will be a turning point for greater imaginations, more accomplishments and brighter future for Ndi-Enugu.

“On behalf of the former lawmakers of Enugu State House of Assembly, I wish Your Excellency many more years in robust health and sound mind,” he stated.


Source link: Leadership



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