Flood: ActionAid demands judicious use of ecological funds



The ActionAid Nigeria (AAN) has lamented the dismissive attitude of the Federal Ministry of Water Resources and Sanitation and the Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency (NIHSA) on their recent announcement regarding the 2024 Annual Flood Outlook (AFO), particularly for the communities residing in the 148 LGAs expected to be most affected.

AAN’s Country Director, Andrew Mamedu, on Thursday in Abuja, said that the potential impact of flooding on the lives and livelihoods of millions of Nigerians could not be overstated and should have been given better attention.

He said, “As we face the looming threat of high flood risk, the federal and state governments, and all relevant agencies must promptly take action to mitigate the potential devastating effects.”

While, however, lauding the federal government for the early warning this year, he urged all the three tiers of government to make good use of the ecological fund at the disposal of the government for better preparedness for the anticipated flood.



Source link: Daily Trust/


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