
Firm Hands Over New Governor’s Office Complex



Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Messrs Architectonic LTD, Mr. Reuben Okoya, contractor that handled the building of new governor’s office complex at the Government House in Bauchi has expressed confidence that the state government would shoulder the maintenance of the edifice for the next 50 years.

The contractor who debunked claims that the edifice was a white-elephant project, said it was a monumental and historic project that would take the state and its people to higher pedestals of infrastructural development.

Mr Okoya who was speaking while handing over the completed new governor’s office, recalled that his company diligently worked for three consecutive years to make the project a reality.

He commended Governor Bala Mohammed for  such a gigantic project and competing it within a reasonable period despite paucity of funds.


Receiving the keys to the offices, the state commissioner for housing and environment, Rt. Hon. Danlami Ahmed Kawule, said it comprises of 61 offices as against the 23 in the previous governor’s office.

“It also has 11 chambers for meetings including the exco chamber as against the two in the previous building. It is therefore my firm belief that the new office will enhance and ensure a conducive working environment to the governor and his support staff in discharging their duties,” the commissioner said.

Source link: Leadership


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