
Expert Tasks Industries To Prioritise Skill Mastery For Maximum Growth



Human resource consulting expert, Jane Odonwodo, has called on industries to recognise and prioritise skill mastery and practical experience, to maximize growth.

Odonwodo made the call on the backdrop of the recent insights, which suggested that the essence of true expertise lies not in the mere accumulation of years but in the depth of skill mastery and hands-on experience.

Odonwodo, in a press statement made available to LEADERSHIP, posited that in the ever-evolving landscape of professional expertise, the conventional belief that longevity equates to mastery is being challenged.

As a prominent figure in fostering cross-border collaborations and talent development initiatives, Odonwodo, who doubles as people manager at TeleSoftas Nigeria and founder of Workflow Consult, stands as a beacon for this paradigm shift.


She, therefore, advocated for a reevaluation of the significance of years of experience, stressing instead the importance of skill mastery and practical expertise.

“Years of experience can lay a foundation, but true expertise transcends mere time. What truly matters is a profound understanding of the intricacies within a domain or tool, and the ability to demonstrate practical knowledge and understanding of outcomes achieved,” she asserted.

Odonwodo underscored the importance of replicating results and continuously improving upon them,

fueled by an unwavering passion for seeing tasks through to fruition.

“At times, an intense year of focused experience can yield greater expertise than five years spent merely going through the motions,” she added.


Source link: Leadership


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