Bishop Dr Joseph Ighalo Edoro, the Presiding Bishop of ‘A Touch From Heaven International Ministries’ and President, ‘A Touch of Love Humanitarian Foundation’, Edoro, President, International Council Of Apostles and Bishops for Africa Regeneration, an elite group of Bishops of the United Gospel Churches Association of Nigeria (UGCAN), wrote this piece for Sunday Independent. READ ON:
Contemporary day church, and its operational dynamics, is encapsulated in the same complexities and diversities of the global church. These complexities are evidenced in the futuristic cries and wailings of Jesus Christ as He made His passage, ‘That they may be one’. He presupposes that there will be disunity in his church at his passage. His cries, akin to the seven cries on the cross, ‘That they may be one’.
The entrance of the Greek word Oikoumene was birthed; another word for ECUMENISM. Ecumenism is a movement or a phenomenon that presupposes an entire whole inhabited. In this case, it again presupposes that semantically extension that unity is of essence. Unity is the completeness devoid of division.
However, Jesus Christ had prophetically projected ahead that the church worldwide will be a citadel and an arena for inordinate ambitions and racour and scandal. The Nigerian Church is not excluded.
The ecumenical movement in Nigeria whose terms of reference is to bring all churches and denominations together is in itself moribund and extinct. The seeming exigencies of this in the dynamics of the current day church is uncatered for by the runners and administrators of the ecumenical mandate. Nigeria with 49 percent of Christians embroiled in the realms of theological and denominational interpretations, with administrators claiming to be inheritors of Christ’s mandate have made this unity herculean. There lies the problem.
There is suspicion and denominational pride trickling down from the top that see themselves as overseers. Denominational exclusivity has caused the Pentecostal to extend bitterness to the White Garment and vice versa. The Church in Nigeria and its administrators have deliberately devoid of the truths enshrined in the Bible have conducted their own man-made belief system. Love of Christ is in flight. From where will unity come?
Rumours and scandal, differential ritualistic adherence and practices, introduction of voodoo and materialism and spiritism have driven unity far from the body of Christ. Behold, the founding fathers have not helped matters. That they may be one! This humble plea has not aggravated and incensed love.
Ecumenism Withers
The constant conflict of leaders, pastoral conflicts has been the bane of the ecumenical movement in the church of Nigeria. Who bells the cat? Different interpretations of the Bible and the creation of dogmas and doctrines have created more divisions.
The hour is now and the time has come for Ecumenism to have its way. Let the church come together, interface and interfaith conferences be projected. Let this hate and dread for one another be discarded. If we love Christ, then it is time for big church leaders to recognise the small one and encourage them. The era of using the church to garner wealth through manipulation and magic should be discarded.
Let the church arise and be one for the days ahead are evil and will be more challenging for the church. Let us not break ranks. Let us all support interfaith and inter congregational rapport and cohesion.
By so doing Ecumenism will deal a heavy blow on the demonic factors that tear us apart.