Bassirou Diomaye Faye

17 Things To Know About Senegal’s Youngest President Bassirou Diomaye Faye



A left-wing pan-Africanist, Bassirou Diomaye Faye, was sworn in Tuesday as Senegal’s youngest president.

Naija News understands that the swearing took place days after winning the presidential election.

Faye was declared the winner of the electoral process 10 days after he was released from prison.

The 44-year-old has never before held an elected office but several African leaders attended the ceremony in the new town of Diamniadio, near the capital Dakar.

Here are things to know about Senegal’s Youngest President


1. Faye was born on March 25, 1980, in Ndiaganiao, in the western department of M’Bour, Senegal.

2. He went to primary school in his village and undertook middle and high school in Mbour.

3. In 2000, Faye earned his baccalaureate (A university bachelor’s degree.)

4. He attained a Master’s degree in law in Dakar Cheikh Anta Diop University and subsequently cleared both competitive exams, enrolling at the National School of Administration of Senegal (ENA) and the magistracy in 2004.

5. He is 44 years old.


6. He is Senegal’s youngest President.

7. He took over from immediate past president Macky Sall.

8. He was the General Secretary of the banned party PASTEF.

9. He won the 2024 Senegalese presidential election in place of disqualified candidate Ousmane Sonko.

10. On 14 April 2023, Faye was apprehended as he exited his tax and property office on Rue de Thiong in Dakar.


11. Faye was among a group of political opponents freed from prison 10 days before the March 24 presidential ballot under an amnesty announced by Sall.

12. Faye’s campaign was launched while he was still in detention.

13. He was a former tax inspector

14. He is Senegalese fifth president since independence from France in 1960.

15. He is the first president to openly admit to a polygamous marriage.


16. In the election, Faye received over 54% of the vote, making him the first opposition candidate to have won an election in the first round since Senegal’s independence in 1960.

17. In his inaugural address, Faye pledged to fight corruption and reform the economy.

Source link: Naija News/


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